

At Long Lawford Primary, we have a house point system that rewards and celebrates positive behaviour choices, positive learning attitudes and the embodiment of our school vision. Our Houses encourage children to work together in smaller communities and to identify as part of the wider school community. We have 4 houses in our school. Our houses are based on winged Mythical Creatures.  Each House has its own identity and links to our school values and learning powers.

Our Houses are: Each house has an identity, key learning powers and key school values that represent their mythical creature.

Griffin House - Mr Pegley

The Griffin is a mythical creature known as a half-eagle,
half-lion in various cultures. In legends and folklore, the beast guards the gold of the kings, as well as other priceless possessions. Moved into the far north, this ancient creature watches over the green gold in the forests.

Griffin symbolises:

•           Strength

•           Courage

•           Loyalty

•           Protective       

Key learning powers: Independence, Concentration
House value: Love

Sphinx House - Mrs Branscomb

The Sphinx is found in both ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology.  The Egyptian Sphinx doesn’t have wings but the Greek version does. According to the Greek myth, the Sphinx lived outside the city of Thebes, as a curse on the city. It asked a riddle to all travellers, in order to let them pass.

Sphinx symbolises:

•           Wisdom

•           Curiosity

•           Guardian

•           Mystery           

Key learning powers: Patience, Concentration
House value: Learn

Phoenix House - TBC

A phoenix in Greek mythology was a bird that could live for a long time and could also be regenerated or reborn from the ashes.  Phoenix is sometimes known as firebird. Myths of Phoenix also go back to Ancient Egypt. Only one Phoenix could live at a time.

Phoenix symbolises:

•           Regeneration and  Renewal

•           Hope

•           Grace

•     Persistence

Key learning powers: Resilience, Concentration
House value: Persevere

Pegasus House - Mrs Hetherington

Pegasus is a mythical, winged horse and one of the most recognised creatures in Greek mythology. Usually, Pegasus is pure white. Pegasus is Zeus’ trusty war horse. Pegasus was responsible for carrying Zeus’ thunder and lighting during battle. The winged horse became a constellation in the sky.

Pegasus symbolises:

•           Freedom

•           Power

•           Speed

•           Imagination and Creativity

Key learning powers: Reflectiveness, Concentration
House value: Success

How Do House Points Work ?

Each child and member of staff is assigned to a house.  Both children and staff can earn house points by showing their 3Rs (being Ready, Respectful, Responsible), by showing their Learning Powers (Concentration, Independence, Resilience, Patience, Reflectiveness) and by demonstrating the School Values (Love, Learn, Persevere, Succeed).

Children and staff can earn house point tokens made from recycled plastic and place them in their class jar.  The jars are taken to the main hall throughout the week for the house point tokens to be added to the House Point Collector.  The house points are emptied and counted every Friday at 12pm.  The house with the most house points each week is announced in Phase Assembly every Friday afternoon. 

Once a house point is earned, it is never taken away.

We keep excitement about our Houses going by having House days, House Assemblies, House Competitions, and we also appoint a House Captain from Year 6, who will help the House Leader with a range of House activities.

The house with the most house points earned over the half-term wins the House Cup.  The House Cup is dressed in the winning House colour and displayed in the Main Hall.  The House Cup is received by the House Captain each half-term on behalf of their House.

The winning House will receive a reward for all of their hard work, which is voted on by the House members.  These rewards could be a game afternoon, free play etc.  All members of the House take part in the House reward, including the staff!

We are a Team Teach School.

Team Teach is all about de-escalation strategies and how to support children in crisis.  However, it may at times be appropriate to physically intervene.  Key staff have been trained to move, handle and hold children to keep them safe and only when it is in the best interests of the child.  We will only use Team Teach moving and handling techniques when:

  • a child is hurting themselves

  • a child is hurting someone else

  • a child is causing damage to school property

  • a child is committing a criminal offence

  • a child is demonstrating behaviours that are prejudicial to maintaining the good order and discipline either in school or when off site (e.g. attending a school trip).

The inclusion team works with every child after experiencing crisis to explore triggers and support needed to ensure crisis is avoided as much as possible.

Any incidents of moving and handling are recorded by school staff and parents are spoken to regarding what has happened and any further support that the school can offer children and families.

Other Rewards

In our school, we also reward children by:

  • Speaking to parents at the classroom door on the day of their child's  achievement

  • Sending postcards home

  • Issuing stickers

  • Hot Chocolate Friday

  • Calling parents to let them know of their child's achievements

  • Sending children to see middle and senior leaders in school

  • Posting achievements on social media

Behaviour Point of Contacts

As you know, a collaborative relationship between families and school staff is key in supporting all children to Love, Learn, Persevere and Succeed.  

For any concern, the first port of call is always your child’s class teacher.  They are available on the classroom doors most mornings and afternoons and work with your child the most.  You can request a phone call from your child’s class teacher if you need more time or don’t want to discuss your question or concern at the classroom door.  There may be a small number of occasions where your child’s class teacher will need to investigate a concern, and so will need some time to do this.  But your child’s class teacher will always get back to you as soon as they can.  If you are not happy with the response you receive from your child’s class teacher, then you can go to the next leader in the chain.