Parents’ Information
Term Dates 2024/25:
Training Day 1 (closed to children):
02 September 2024Training Day 2 (closed to children):
03 September 2024Term Starts:
04 September 2024Half Term:
28 October to 01 November 2024Term Ends:
20 December 2024 -
Training Day 3 (closed to children):
06 January 2025Term Starts:
07 January 2025Training Day 4 (closed to children):
14 February 2025Half Term:
17 February to 21 February 2025Term Ends:
11 April 2025 -
Term Starts:
28 April 2025Bank Holiday:
05 May 2025Half Term:
26 May - 30 May 2025Y7 Induction Day:
2 July 2025Term Ends:
18 July 2025
Key Dates This Term
(New dates will be added in green)
1st - House Day
1st - Forest School - Snow Leopards B
2nd - Zebra Class assembly @ 8:50am
7th - Forest School - Tigers A
8th - Forest School - Tigers B
11th - School closes for Easter break
28th School open to all students
28th - Forest School - Sharks A & B
29th - Forest School - Octopus A & B
January 2025
6th - Training Day (school closed to children)
7th - School re-opens for children at normal time
13th - Forest School - Woodpecker A
14th - Forest School - Woodpecker B
15th - Snow Leopard Class Assembly
16th - House Day
16th - Vision Screening - Reception
20th - Forest School - Owl A
21st - Forest School - Owl B
22nd - Woodpecker Class Assembly @ 8:50am
27th - Forest School - Starfish A & B
28th - Forest School - Seahorse A & B
29th - Year 1 Phonics Stay & Play - starts at 8:45am
29th - Seahorse Class Assembly @ 8:50am
3rd - Forest School - Turtle A and B
5th - Octopus Class Assembly @ 8:50am
7th - Number Day
10th - Forest School - Sharks A & B
11th - Internet Safety Day
11th - Forest School - Octopus A & B
11th - Parents Evening (face to face)
12th - Squirrel Class Assembly @ 8:50am
12th - Parents Evening (face to face)
14th - Training Day (school closed to children)
17th-21st Half term break - school closed
24th - School re-opens to all pupils
24th - Forest School - Elephant A
25th Forest School - Elephant B
3rd - Forest School - Giraffe A
4th - Forest School - Giraffe B
6th - Hedgehog Class assembly @ 8:50am
10th - Forest School - Zebra A
11th - Forest School - Zebra B
12th - Jaguar Class assembly @ 8:50am
17th - Forest School - Hedgehog A
18th - Forest School - Hedgehog B
19th - Turtle Class assembly @ 8:50am
24th - Forest School - Jaguars A
25th - Forest School - Jaguars B
26th - Shark Class assembly @ 8:50am
31st - Forest School - Snow Leopards A
School Calendar & Term Dates
It is the aim of the school to keep our doors open as normal. However, certain events, such as bad weather, may force us to close our doors on occasion due to the health and safety of the school site. In the event of a school closure, we will inform you in the following ways:
A communication will be sent to you by 7.30am informing you that we are closed. It is very important that you ensure that we have your current contact information.
The school closure line at Warwickshire County Council will be informed and should be checked on
A message will be put onto the Arbor app.
If you think the weather is bad enough for the school to close, please check these websites and the Arbor App. Please do not ring the radio stations or the school.
When the school is open during wintery weather, every effort is made to clear a pathway into school. However, paths may be slippery so please take care. If you would like to help clear paths in school, we would welcome any help and support you could give!
Collection of Children
We encourage children in Years 5 and 6 to walk home independently (where appropriate). Parents/carers are required to complete Walking Home permission forms prior to children being allowed to walk home alone at the end of the school day. This supports transition from primary to secondary education. Children attending school in Pre-school up to Year 4 must be collected by an adult (16yrs plus). We ask that the school is notified if there are any changes to the regular adults collecting children. Contact details of adults collecting children in these year groups must be provided to the school.
Our School Meals
School meals are freshly prepared and cooked on site by Educaterers Ltd. School meals cost £2.68 per day or £13.40 per week.
We ask that all meals are paid for in advance on a Monday morning. All monies should be paid online via Arbor. A link to this is sent to parents as they join the school. If you have not yet set up your account for your child, please contact the school office. We have recently introduced a new system to improve the choices for pupils and to reduce waste.
Free School Meals
If you believe your child may be eligible for free school meals, please ask Mrs Gibbons or Miss Mercer in the school office for more details. You can also apply online or by phone 01926 359189.
Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are automatically entitled to free school meals but will benefit from help in other areas should they meet the eligibility criteria.
If your child has any allergies, we ask that you share this with the school before your child starts with us. Please be aware that, due to allergies in school, no nuts are allowed in school.
Break Time
All children are encouraged to eat healthy snacks or fruit at morning break. All children aged 4 to 6 are given free fruit as part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Children aged 7 onwards are encouraged to bring a healthy snack into school with them for break time.
Attendance & Illness
We believe that attendance at school is vital not only for a child's ability to learn and achieve, but also for the social skills they learn interacting with their peers and adults. Regular attendance helps to forge positive learning habits that will last into later life, equipping children to compete in employment and the working world. Research also shows the positive impact that good school attendance has on the academic achievement of pupils.
We expect all children to attend every day on time unless there are exceptional circumstances such as illness. As a school we do all we can to encourage the children to attend and to put in place appropriate procedures.
Every effort should be made to arrange medical appointments outside school hours. Leave for absence during term time will not be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.
If your child is ill and unable to come to school, please ring or email the school office by 09:30.
After School Activities
Along with a rich and exciting curriculum we aim to offer a variety of activities and clubs outside the school day. Children across the school have the opportunity to take part in a range of sports and activities led by our PE co-ordinator, Mr Owen and Mr Pegley. We also have clubs run by external providers via All Star Dance, The BIG Sing and FOCUS Tae Kwon Do. Please contact the school office if you are interested in joining any of these clubs. External Club provider bookings can be made directly with the club provider. Places can be booked via Arbor. Having trouble booking? Give our admin team a call!.
* School clubs provided by our external providers are charged at £3.10 per session.
LLPS After School
(3:15 - 4:00)
KS2 Football
Movie Club
KS1 Multi-sports
KS2 Dodgeball
KS2 Basketball
External Provider Club
(3:15 - 4:00)
All Star Drama (Y1-6)
Focus Tiny Tigers Tae Kwon Do (Reception-Y2)
Focus Tae Kwon Do (Y3-Y6)
Big Sing Choir (Y2-Y6)
All Star Dance (Y1-6)
We work with two external providers to offer additional clubs after school during the week. They are Focus Taekwondo and All Star Dance and fitness Academy. Club spaces are booked directly with them each half term. To find out more or to make a booking, please click on their picture.
Bluebells After School Club via Onside Coaching
Our wrap around care is provided by Onside Coaching (East Warwickshire), who provide breakfast and after school clubs on school site.
Further information can be found at or click on the Bluebells picture to go straight to the Bluebells booking site.
External Provider Clubs
School Uniform
School uniform can be ordered via Brigade
Children should wear a white polo shirt (with or without logo), Royal blue school sweatshirt, grey trousers/shorts/skirt or pinafore, Black shoes no trainers.
For PE, children can also wear black/grey plain joggers and a school hoodie (with the logo on). For days that children have PE, they are to come to school in their PE kit for the day.
Please ensure all uniform is named.
Parent Volunteering
FOLLS hold an annual general meeting (AGM), in conjunction with school staff every September at the start of the school year. At this meeting a committee is elected to run the PTA.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Long Lawford Primary School the member of staff responsible for coordinating provision for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities is Mrs Kelsall-Gooch. The school follows the 2014 SEN Code of Practice for children who have special or additional needs.
Our SEND offer is outlined in the SEND Policy and Information Report. We are contribute to and promote WCC SEND Inclusion Charter Warwickshire have their own local offer.