Careers & Volunteering

Current Vacancies:

Site Manager Vacancy

We have an exciting opportunity at our school. We are looking for a site manager to join our LLPS team. We are happy to talk to prospective candidates, and welcome a visit to the school.

For more information, please contact the school, or click on the link below.

Safer Recruitment:

Long Lawford Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

All staff and volunteers are subject to pre-employment safeguarding checks including an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) check, a barred list check and Disqualification Declaration.  All staff and volunteers are required to undergo a recruitment process, which is in line with safer recruitment practices.

In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education, the school, as part of it's safer recruitment processes, may also perform an online search of any candidates applying to the school.


Interested in supporting our school?  Looking for a rewarding opportunity to support school activities?  Apply to be a volunteer today!  Please complete the form below to become an LLPS volunteer either email it FAO Mrs Stringer or hand it into our School Office today!  Application forms are also available from the School Office

There are lots of ways you can help....

  • Volunteer to read with children

  • Volunteer to accompany children to weekly swimming lessons

  • Sew / make costumes for school productions

  • Volunteer to help out on school trips as requested

  • Bring a special skill to school and talk to our children (i.e. Science week)

  • Join the 'Friends of Long Lawford School' (FOLLS) in helping to raise funds for school


FOLLS hold an annual general meeting (AGM), in conjunction with school staff every September at the start of the school year.  At this meeting a committee is elected to run the PTA. 

How is money spent

Funds raised by FOLLS are intended to provide ‘extras’ not already provided by the school's main income – often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting.  By far our biggest expenditure is covering the cost of pantomime tickets for all children.  We also provide a free book bag to all children starting nursery or reception at the school, as well as reading books, technical equipment, subsidising the cost of school trips and other little extras.

Our main fundraising aim for the upcoming year is to raise funds for outdoor play equipment - something that all children can enjoy and benefit from.

How is money raised

Every year FOLLS raises thousands of pounds for the school. The majority of this is through events. We aim to hold one main event each school term. Over the next year we will be running our popular termly discos, a Christmas and Easter Bingo, craft and activity evenings and a big summer event.  We also run the school uniform shop and Friday Treats as well as selling refreshments at events like parents evening and sports days. 

How can I get involved?

There are many different ways you can help FOLLS, whether you have a lot or a little bit of time to offer. Some roles are time-consuming, although rewarding. If you can’t commit to a big job, you could offer to help out less frequently (i.e., helping at a disco, baking for a cake sale, helping with organising behind the scenes etc). You can always support our events by simply showing up and spreading the word.

Outside agency links

The Rugby Children's Centres are a great resource for all parents and carers, and further information can be found here.  The Children's Centres are open, and have a termly timetable, which can be found on their facebook page here.  The Job Centre in Rugby is doing all that they can to support people finding work in these unprecedented times.  To find out what they could do for you, click here.

The Family Information Service is a fantastic support to parents, carers and schools.  They provide a wide range of support, including courses for parents and carers, provide financial support, are a great listening ear, organise activities for parents, carers and children to access during school holidays etc.  To see what they can provide for you, click here. Rugby Citizens Advice Bureau is working hard to help Rugby residents to navigate through these uncertain times.  To find out how they can help you, click  here. The Rugby Foodbank is a great resource to our community, and further information about how they can help you can be found here.  We are a foodbank voucher issuing school and hold a small number of emergency food parcels in school for families that need them.  Please contact us if you need any support with food today.

Rugby Library is supporting parents and carers with a wide range of activities, not only to support children with reading.  Click here to find out more! Lawford Lighthouse Wraparound Care works in conjunction with the school to provide extended wraparound care for pupils of Long Lawford Primary School.  To find out more about the wraparound care and how to book your child a place, please click here.

Are you interested in becoming a school governor? 

School Governors make a positive contribution to children’s education by offering supportive challenge to help raise standards and monitor resources effectively.

Our governors work as a team and come from a range of different backgrounds, with diverse skills and experience. All Governors share a common interest of wanting the best possible education for the children of Long Lawford Primary School.  If you would like to find out more, please take a look at the Parent Governor vacancy information, the Co-opted Governor information and the Governor application form below!

The governors of Long Lawford Primary School are committed to safeguarding all children. All governors have read part 2 of the document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education' produced by the DfE which can be found on our governors page.