Contact Us
Long Lawford Primary School
Holbrook Road
Long Lawford
CV23 9AL
Tel: 01788 543332
Get In Touch
School Opening Hours:
Pre-school: 8:30am-11:30am, 12:15pm-3:15pm
Total opening hours (pre-school): 33.75hours/week
Rec-Y6: 8:30am-3:00pm
After School Club: 3:15pm-4pm
Total opening hours (school): 32.50hours/week
School Office Hours:
The school office is open from 8am until 4:30pm (Monday to Thursday), and 8am until 4pm (Fridays)
For enquiries please ask for: Mrs Tassell and Mrs Barnwell
Headteacher: Mrs C Stringer
School Business Manager: Mrs C Gibbons
Finance Officer/PA to Head: Miss L Mercer
Administrator: Mrs C Tassell, Mrs J Barnwell
SENDCo: Mrs R Kelsall-Gooch.
To contact our SENDCo please use the main school email address ( or call the school telephone number (01788 543332).
Requests for Paper Copies:
Long Lawford Primary School is happy to provide paper documents for any of the content on our website free of charge. Please contact the school for more information.