
Teachers plan and teach to the National Curriculum, ensuring that expectations are age-related. Following the Maths Mastery strategies, all lessons are adapted to provide opportunities for fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Problem solving is at the heart of our maths teaching. In EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2, we use Mastering Number to support our maths teaching.

Teaching & Learning Maths

As children move up the school, they further their knowledge of the four operations:

  • Addition

  • Subtraction

  • Multiplication

  • Division

and applying these skills to a range of real life contexts.

Learning Maths

All children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars or NumBots. Both platforms support children’s recall and fluency in the four operations. They are highly interactive and engaging too! We have also celebrated Maths through: My Money Week and Number Day, which help children to develop skills and confidence in other areas of Maths, as well as raising money for fantastic causes.