We have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark - but what is it?
The Primary Science Quality Mark is a one-year school improvement programme for primary science, which provides professional development for around 600 new and experienced subject leaders each year. PSQM enables confident, knowledgeable, reflective leadership which results in an improvement in the way in which science is strategically planned and taught across the whole school.
Science is taught each week as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. Learning Scientifically begins in Nursery and is taught all the way through the school. Lessons include a range of enquiry types and include practical and theory elements. There is a focus on making the learning engaging and challenging for all learners.
Science Vision and Principles
Our Science vision and principles work alongside our LLPS school values and the elements of ‘working scientifically’. All Science lessons incorporate our principles. All children are engaged. All children are learning. All children are being challenged. All children are making progress.
Topics covered in Science
Animals, including humans
Forces and magnets
Properties and changes of materials
Seasonal changes
Everyday materials
Uses of everyday materials
States of matter
Earth and space
Living things and their habitats
Evolution and inheritance